Sunday, May 11, 2014

On Making Friends (and having very little time): Friendship Cupcakes

I had been working for my good-for-the-world job and the restaurant job for five months when I realized that I really, really enjoyed the people I work with.

CollegeRoommate would come home from work and complain about the people she worked with like it was high school.  For her, high school has not ended because everyone she works with (barring her girlfriend) is catty, self-involved, egotistical, and lazy.  When she came home from work, I would listen to her talk about how much she did not enjoy the people she spent 50 hours a week with while I thought about how lucky I was.  I frequently laughed (and currently do) until I cried, played Just Dance with my clients, had friendly competition, and trusted my staff with my literal life.

A few weeks prior to these easy cupcakes, I had taken a 4 day weekend for my birthday. When my staff told me she missed requesting her birthday off, I decided she needed somebody to tell her that birthdays (hers especially) are important. I dropped them off before going to the restaurant and she cried and hugged me.

A time when I was finally able to make friends with my baked goods.

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