Sunday, May 11, 2014

Everyone Deserves a Valentine: Chocolate Bacon and Eggs Cake

Last Valentine's Day, I had a valentine with multiple roommates. Every roommate had a valentine except one. This one without a valentine was a very nice, caring, lovely girl. Whose birthday happened to fall on Valentine's Day.

I believe Valentine's Day is an appointed day to tell the ones you love that you love them.  I spend just as much time on my friend's valentines as I do on my significant other's valentines.

So when one lonely, lovely lady was to celebrate her birthday surrounded by happy couples, why should she not be celebrated?

She really likes unhealthy things. She didn't like salty and sweet. We frequently ate breakfast together and her love for bacon was unparalleled.

So I made her a cake. Made of sweets. That looked like bacon and eggs. I also wrote her name in chocolate. She turned 22 that year. We all housed the cake.

It was a pretty awesome Valentine's Day.

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