Monday, September 17, 2012

Making Do: Snickerdoodles

Sometimes you get lazy.
Sometimes you need to sleep in late. 
Sometimes you have so much on your mind, you forget to look through your planner and find out you have more on your mind than you remember.
Sometimes you just don’t feel like going to the grocery store for ingredients.
Sometimes you just make do.

Sometimes, it’s that you HAVE to make do, but this week was not one of those weeks.  This was a lazy week. A week when I forgot about a lot of things. A week that I didn’t feel like going to the grocery store.  I made do.  I did what I could.  And for many years, I knew this as one cookie I could almost always do, as long as there was enough butter. 

I made snickerdoodles.  I think they’re tasty and easy and a people-pleasing kind of cookie.  They were the favorite of a co-worker.  My chef said it was just like his grandma used to make.  I’m glad they got eaten. 

Then I made a “special” one for my best friend.  It started like a heart, I promise.  Just doesn’t look like it post-bake.

To bake the easiest cookies ever:
·         Preheat to 350. 
·         Sift together 2.75 cups of all purpose flour, 2 tsp baking powder, and half a teaspoon of salt. 
·         In another bowl, cream 2 sticks (1 cup) butter and 1.5 cups of sugar until “pale and fluffy” says Martha.  Whatever.  Add two large eggs and mix until combine.  Slowly mix in flour mixture.
·         Roll balls of dough into some cinnamon/sugar mixture you make.  Place on baking sheets with parchment paper.  Cook for 12-15 minutes.  Enjoy, especially with a hot chocolate. 

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