Monday, March 19, 2012

Where'd you go to school?: Boston (Cream Pie Cupcakes)

I went to school in Worcester.  It’s what people from not Massachusetts calls Boston.  It’s not true.  Worcester is wonderful in its own way.  Worcester has Corner Grille, Evo, Park Ave, Main South, Clark University, Baba Sushi, wonderful people, and four years of my life (and lots of my money). 

Boston is also beautiful.  It’s where I wanted to go to school, but somehow, I didn’t want to apply to any of the schools there.  So when I visit, I enjoy it.  I like the T and the stores and the beers and the food and the people and the sights.  One thing that Boston also has is Boston Cream Pies.  So I made some into cupcakes because Martha said I could.

Do I like pastry cream?  No.  Do I love semi-sweet chocolate? Not really.  Was the batter delicious? OF COURSE. (Did I eat one? Nope.)

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