Saturday, January 7, 2012

Beer and Cake: Stout Cupcakes for the New Year

I know it’s late, but Happy New Year’s! What are your resolutions this year?

Mine include:
§  Stop gossiping
§  Don’t die in the triathlon; by extension, go to the gym more than half the days of the month
§  Budget my money and SAVE
§  Stay organized
§  Keep the 18 Rules from Dalai Lama in mind every day

This is a bowl of home-brewed Milk (Coffee) Stout by my brother-in-law.  I suppose many people’s resolutions (including my sister and brother-in-law) is to stop drinking or lower alcohol intake in the next year.  So, I suppose this is a fitting choice.  I created Stout Cupcakes with Martha this weekend. 

Again, my desire to be plain has overpowered my enjoyment of these cupcakes.  I had a hard time with the stout glaze, which had way more sugar than I could understand.  And they smelled like spices instead of sweet.  Oh, the problems of being simple.

I believe they were a success though because I didn’t have to bring any home.  I even took a bottle cap and wrote Happy Birthday on it.  It was pretty cute.  Boys don’t really care about that stuff, though.  Or any hidden messages from a wanna-be friend. But since it's still January of a New Year, I tell you the same:

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