Saturday, December 17, 2011

Mini Chocolate Salted-Caramel Cupcakes and Battle Wounds

Gretchen Rubin says, “No deposit, no return.”  My deposit this week: a candy thermometer.  I created mini chocolate cupcakes with salted-caramel filling and super duper chocolate frosting.  This is not what Martha called it, but it’s what I consider it. Peaches was interested in the frosting. 

In my opinion, I don’t like caramel.  It’s a texture problem.  The frosting was too bitter.  Bitter is my least favorite part of my tongue.  I still like yellow box cake.  I can’t choose what I love.  Don’t judge, I’ve been trying to stop judging.  Judgment creates bad feelings in your soul. 

I didn’t realize I had clip to hold the thermometer on the edge until it was too hot to move.  I got creative.  So I got this sugar syrup up to 300 degrees F and the thermometer fell out of the pan, flew and hit my exposed inner forearm, and instantly blistered.  Battle wounds!! I looked like I had the herp.  (Herpes: any of several viral diseases causing the eruption of a small blisterlike vesicle on the skin, spread through skin-to-skin contact!)

My brother-in-law unfortunately didn’t like the cupcakes because of the salt.  I however am a salt-a-holic. Therefore the flavor of the salt melted with the bitter of the frosting, so it was wonderful for me.  However, if the cupcakes are cold, caramel is waaay harder.  So don’t leave the cupcakes in your car after a night out.  But, sometimes things happen and that’s why we have room temperature.

Anyway, the recipe went well, and it seemed that everyone liked them.  They were really cute, and it meant that many people could have more than one at work.  I saw a blogger do one online in regular cupcake size.  I’m glad I stuck with Martha on this one because they were super filling and a bit too rich for regular size. 


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