Thursday, December 17, 2015

Being Grateful and Cookies

I believe my greatest feat in happiness is finding something to be grateful for every single day. Some days I have to paint my own silver lining because I can’t find it, but I’m normally one of those disgustingly optimistic people who can find a (sometimes inappropriate-joke-at-the-right-time) positive light. 

When things got really bad this summer, I had my silver linings and blessings.  The Lady didn’t die in a terrible car crash that, by the looks of it, should have taken her life. My parents came to my aid when things got darkest. I had a friend to call to help me move last minute when I was kicked out. My job was easily transferrable. I had my health, so even without health insurance, I was still in the clear. And my boss from my high school job was kind enough to give me a shift that he didn’t have until I asked for a job.

Even on normal days when I’m just feeling off, I have things for which to be thankful.  One specific thought I have is that I’m not as terrible as I think I am on the bad days because I have four specific people who are still my closest friends despite my horrible communication, hundreds of miles, and terrible decisions.  If they want to stick it out and be my friend, then clearly I can’t be that bad. (I talked about Brenna specifically recently, but there are a few others.)

So when I have something very specific to be thankful for from someone, I want to show them that I honestly am grateful.

Since I moved to the new store, things have been happening that I need to ask people for help.  Without them knowing me, they don’t know how much I try to avoid this.  But when I could see the Lady for the first time in a while, someone switched a shift with me and saved my Thanksgiving. When my great-aunt Gen died, my boss very easily told me to take the time off to take care of my mom. When I excitedly made plans with my niece for a very delayed birthday dinner, someone switched with me so I didn’t have to be the worst aunt in the world to cancel plans.

So to pay those people back (deservedly), I did what I do. I baked cookies and wrote thank you notes.  When I got to thinking about it though, I realized that my boss was this amazing man who took me back, not many questions asked. He is a nosy man, that boss.  But he is a kind hearted and warm guy who makes sure I know he cares. So I baked him the cookies he’s been asking for after the first batch of regular chocolate chip cookies for the ones at Starbucks.

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