Friday, May 13, 2016

An Update: PB Surprise Cookies and Classics

As I said I'd do, I will reevaluate my list. 

3. Take my health as a priority --I have established a PCP, gone to the dentist 😍 (I strangely LOVE the dentist), set up an eye appointment, an annual with a gyno, and follow up for baseline bloodwork with my doctor. I did a six week CrossFit challenge and a mostly paleo diet. My body changed and I felt muscles and felt good. I continue to go to the gym and I registered for a half marathon which I've begun lazily training for! (#2 on the list) 
10. Get my CT residency. Done. 
22. Advance my career at Starbucks. It's in the works. More education and responsibility. It'll be excited to see where things go! 
27.  Doing that.. And definitely quietly baking. In relation to number 12, I decided to send the last baked good as a form of love for all, payment for one, and a forget-me-not of sorts for some. 

Which brings me to this post. 

A friend of mine makes me a better person, a more optimistic person. We were once in love and when it ended, I thought I lost a person who made me kinder and more attuned to the world. Eventually, we found a spot in each other's lives again and it is lovely. He started a graduate program last September and he graduated this week, so I sent him some cookies and a card for a girl (there are no snarky cards from bitter graduates to someone who has a higher degree and no debt... I see a market). 

I have another friend who just...gets me. She knows I need constant reassurance that she still loves me and she gives it to me. She checks in on me when she thinks of me. She makes me feel like I'm a good person. She knows I HATE the phrase, "It is what it is" but she still says it to me. So I got her a mug that says that. And her roommate whom I worked with has an Alex and Ani bracelet that says, "it is what it is" as well. She says it's a family motto, so I got her one too. And her other roommate is one of the sweetest, kindest girls with the biggest heart and most giving soul. I got her a mug too. They each got a card a few cookies. 

I texted my friend that I wanted to do a half. She was endlessly supportive. She told me about her experiences and told me I'd love it and was amazing, as she always is. A few weeks later, I asked her about her opinion on GPS watches and she told me she would send me hers. No questions asked, no hesitation. I offered her money and she practically scoffed at me. "I don't use it," she said. "I don't care about mileage or pace," she said. "I'm crazy," she didn't say, but it's clear she is. So I told her I'd bake for her. And that's the primary reason I spent some time on a day off baking cookies and loving my morning. 

I tried to use this tonight as I ran, but it is a complicated little bugger. But I sat down after my run and before my shower  and slowly read the stupid book she packed up with it and reset it to me and my timezone and figured out how to get it to work. 

But I started my morning like this. 

Aaaaaand, mistakes happen, like being too cheap to spend cash on pastry bags and having your sandwich bag explode over multiple cookies. But then you eat copious amounts of spilled, melted chocolate and peanut butter and have a terrible side stitch in your 3.5 mile run. But things happen.