Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Another Year Older: Birthday Cake

February is always a very busy month. Perhaps because it is the shortest, but for some reason I feel like every day is a holiday, day off, or a birthday. That includes mine!

I’m a firm believer that one should not get one’s hopes up. I have learned that getting let down is terrible. I say this, yet I am a self proclaimed optimist. I always hope that something good will happen. I always hope.

But I make my own cake every year. I make something that I find delicious because I want to eat something I know I want (I am rarely disappointed in my own baking that is for me). I also make something to share and be told how good it is and be thanked because I’m an attention seeker.

This year I was lucky, because I wouldn’t have had a single cake if I hadn’t made mine. I was showered with love by nephews, nieces, sisters, and parents. I was given a chocolate mousse with a candle. I couldn’t ask for more from my family. The Lady sent a package that got delivered ON my birthday, which was super exciting, including an adorable star sparkler that was like a candle on a cake from her. I got a few texts from friends that said that they couldn’t make it to the post office in time, but they knew it was my birthday last week and knew it that day. I got texts and calls and felt love. My boss at Starbucks got me ring pops and stickers and a card signed by some of my favorite baristas.

But sometimes I get my hopes up, like I did for my birthday. It was more of a pattern I thought would continue, a mathematical equation of sorts. Since I’ve been back at job #2, everyone at work has gotten a birthday cake the shift after their birthday. But I brought my cake in and only one person remembered it was my birthday that week. As multiple people were shoving the cake in their faces, they mumbled happy birthday with some enthusiasm but I had an expectation. I had the expectation of a cake at the end of the shift. It would feel trite and embarrassing, but it would mean I was a part of the crew. I was loved there.

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, this was getting my hopes up. I spoiled the punchline. I only had my own cake for my birthday.

But being 27, I guess I shouldn’t be too disappointed. So I am going to do 27 things this year that I want to do and write the list here. Some things are trivial, some are #adulting, some are things I’ve wanted forever. I’ll keep updating with these things. I’m quite excited about the things to come.

1.       Get the tattoo I’ve been talking about getting for the last 7 years
2.       Run a half marathon
3.       Take my health as a priority
4.       Go on a plane absolutely anywhere
5.       Spend at least 10 days at the beach
6.       Spend a night in a hotel
7.       Get my hair cut at least three times
8.       Be honest with people
9.       Start school
10.   Get my CT residence
11.   Spend more time writing
12.   Send more packages to people that I love
13.   Volunteer somewhere I care about
14.    Get my belongings out of storage
15.   Stop being afraid to let things end
16.   Recognize when you are not okay and stop taking it out on people
17.   Keep a plant alive for a whole year
18.   See Katie’s Christmas tree
19.   Give as freely as my mother
20.   Teach people about things I believe in
21.   Get drinks (including coffee, because I can’t drink that much) with people I care about as often as possible
22.   Advance my career at Starbucks
23.   Find a cute pair of grey boots
24.   Finish listening to the Harry Potter series
25.   Read some more memoirs
26.   Save at least $2000 into my savings (not including the 401k, secret cash stash, and tips)
27.   Reevaluate this list every month… and bake more

EDIT: The Lady carved me a cake in line with my new diet when I saw her the week after my birthday. It was thoughtful and beautiful and it made me feel loved and listened to. She’s a keeper.